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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

MRM Deals of the Day 1/16/18

As we wait for the snow to accumulate tonight here at MRM Manor, we have pulled together today's best new mystery releases and discounted mystery eBooks on our MRM page at Amazon. Featured authors today include Catherine Bruns, Laura Durham, Tonya Kappes, Karen MacInerney, Kate Flora, Jill Marie Landis, John D MacDonald, Louise Lynn & Nora Winters, Beth Byers, Kitty French, Larissa Reinhart, Laura Durham, Cindy Bell, Tricia O'Malley and more.

Everyone in the path of the storm stay safe!


  1. Thanks so much! We don't have a storm like up north, but the few flakes we're supposed to get in Atlanta means no school tomorrow!

    1. We ended up with no school here too, but as predicted we only found out from a 5:45 AM robocall!


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