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Thursday, June 1, 2017

MRM Deals of the Day 6/1/17

We are starting off June with a nice batch of new mystery releases and newly discounted mysteries for Kindle. If you missed our recent summary of over 60 new cozy mysteries released in the past 10 days, you can find that here. As always, be aware that when we include prices, they may not last and are subject to change. Please double-check before you buy.

Today's new mystery releases include:

Today's discounted mysteries for Kindle include:
  • Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton's Curious Minds, the debut of their popular Knight and Moon humorous mystery series
  • Maya Corrigan's Scam Chowder and Final Fondue, the second and third in her popular Five-Ingredient culinary cozy mystery series from Kensington, are on sale for $1.99 each
  • Each of the 2 books in Karen MacInerney's Dewberry Farm cozy series are on sale for 99c for Kindle
  • Each of the 4 books in Charlotte and Aaron Elkins popular traditional mystery series with art consultant Alix London are on sale for 99c for Kindle
  • Each of the 8 books in Barry Eisler's popular mystery/thriller series with John Rain are on sale for 99c for Kindle
  • Carolyn Haines' Bones to Pick, the sixth in her Sarah Booth Delaney humorous cozy series
  • Carolyn Haines' historical ghost mystery The Book of Beloved, the debut of her Pluto's Snitch series
  • Nancy Coco's All You Need is Fudge, the fifth in her Candy Coated cozy series
  • Waverly Curtis' The Chihuahua Always Sniffs Twice, the fourth in her Barking Detective humorous cozy series
  • GA McKevett's Bitter Sweets, the second in her humorous series with plus-size PI Savannah Reid
  • Kaitlyn Dunnett's Bagpipes, Brides and Homicides, the sixth in her Liss MacCrimmon cozy series
  • Kathi Daley's Maui Madness and Derby Divas, the seventh and eighth books in her bestselling Zoe Donovan cozy series 
  • Isis Crawford's A Catered Fourth of July from her popular Mystery with Recipes culinary cozy series
  • Shelley Smith's classic traditional British mystery This Is the House from Endeavour Press
  • 3 books in Barbara Ross' Maine Clambake culinary cozy series are on sale for $1.99 each for Kindle
  • 3 books in Lea Wait's Mainely Needlepoint cozy series are on sale for $1.99 each for Kindle
  • Dorothy Howell's Beach Bags and Burglaries from her popular Haley Randolph series
  • Staci McLaughlin's Going Organic Can Kill You, the debut of her Blossom Valley cozy series
  • Shannon VanBergen's Up In Smoke, the well reviewed debut of her Glock Grannies cozy senior sleuth series
  • Mary Roberts Rinehart's classic traditional mystery The Wall
  • Cheryl Crane's The Dead and the Beautiful, the third in her Nikki Harper series
  • Carrie Bedford's Kate Benedict Series 1-3 with the first 3 books in her popular and highly praised paranormal mystery series
  • Bette Golden Lamb and JJ Lamb's Bone Set, with the first three books in their popular medical mystery/thriller series with RN Gina Mazzio

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