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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

New Mystery Release Roundup, March 1-3 2015

As is our custom on the first Tuesday of each month, below is a summary of this month's 35+ new mystery releases. A little something for everyone!

Let us know if there are any that we missed and we will update the list!!


  1. I missed the call for mysteries being released in March. If I hadn't been out of the loop most of February. I love the list and I have read 5 or 6 so far. Since, I missed sending books to be added, I want to let everyone know that there are three great mystery suspense thrillers releasing in March. Debra Webb's THE DYING ROOM - Faces of Evil on March 20th, Allan Leverson is releasing THE OMEGA CONNECTION a Tracie Tanner Novel, and THE DEADLY DOZEN #3 Featuring 12 new stories in the box set. I will pay attenttion and get you my suggestions for April.

    1. Thank you John! Any reminders are greatly appreciated. We will be sure to mention the Debra Webb book and Deadly Dozen 3 when they are released on the 20th. The Omega Connection is on the list, along with several other new Kindle Scout titles. Thanks again!


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